Things to keep in mind..!!

Software testing proves the existing of bugs, not their absence.

Showing posts with label testing principles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label testing principles. Show all posts

Saturday, 9 September 2017

Explain Seven Testing Principles

Being a Software Tester, we have to aware about Testing principles. Let's explain Seven testing principles below here:- 1. Testing shows presence of defects:- Testing never proves that there are no defects in the application. It only can show that defects are present in the application. Testing mitigates the probability of undiscovered defects existing in an application or in the software. Although, even if no defects are found in the software,...

Monday, 28 March 2016

Software Testing Interview Questions

Software Testing Tutorial Hi friends, hope you all are doing good. Today here i am posting some important stuff for interview purpose, so that you can go through these stuffs and get a good response during interview process. Question 1: What is Software/System Testing? Answer: Software Testing is a process of checking the correctness and completeness of a S/W with regard to customer requirements and expectations is called a Software or...